Sunday Morning Live Stream Worship 11:15 AM
Gospel Partners
"Doing Good in the World"
Gospel Partners
Here at Park Road Pres, we partner with a number of wonderful ministries to help advanced the gospel all over the world. Many of our gospel partners were sent from our congregation. Below you can find information about who we partner with as well as their personal website to learn more about their ministry (click their picture). If you have any questions about Gospel Partnership, please reach out to our Missions Director and Elder, John Stevenson (
RUF Campus Ministry: Illinois
The Brown's
Ethan and his family moved to Illinois in the Summer 2021 to plant a new chapter of Reformed University Fellowship at the University of Illinois. The mission of RUF is to reach students for Christ and to equip them to serve. As Campus Minister, Ethan joins in the work God is doing on the campus to draw unbelievers to himself and to equip believers for a lifetime of loving and serving Jesus and his Church. To learn more or give to Ethan's ministry, click here.
Mission to the World: Scotland
The Taylor's
Once at the heart of the Reformation, Scotland now prides itself as being one of the most secular nations in Europe. After hearing of the Free Church of Scotland’s vision to plant 30 churches and add 60 ministry workers by 2030, the Taylors felt the Lord leading them to go. In partnership with the Free Church, they seek to plant new churches and strengthen existing churches in Glasgow.
Serge: Ireland
Jennifer Carpenter
Jennifer has served on staff with Serge for over 2 years now. She recently worked with a local church in Ireland. Currently, Jennifer is on home assignment here in the states resting and working to head back over to Ireland, to join a church planting team where she will serve for 5 years.
Instituto Biblico Para La Mujer
Gabie Goni
Gabie and her husband, Robert, are current members here at Park Road Pres. Gabie is the founder, director, and teacher of the Biblical Institute for Women. The goal of the ministry has been to educate every woman and encourage her to run the race of new life in Christ for the glory of the Redeemer. Gabie has spent 15 years out of the 24 since Christ called her into his kingdom teaching and training women through instruction in the discipline of "Biblical Theology." Her book, Redemption, God's Rescue Plan, is currently available
Serge: Burundi, Africa
Jennifer Sorondo
Jenny has been in Africa since March of 2021 and is teaching children of missionary families currently serving the community of Kibuye in Burundi. Having dedicated teachers allows parents on the mission team to focus on what God has called them to do in and around Hope Hospital in Kibuye. Jenny grew up in South Florida and attended Park Road Pres before joining Serge. She has been working with children for over 10 years in various capacities and is currently taking part in the life giving and humbling work that is teaching.

South American Mission: Mexico
Andrew Warrick
Andrew Warrick is currently training in Mexico to hopefully join a Church-Planting team in a Spanish-Speaking region. He grew up at Park Road Presbyterian Church before joining the team with South American Mission.

Church Planters: Vienna, Austria
Brad and Stacey Hunter
Brad Hunter grew up at Park Road Pres before meeting his wife Stacey and launching into full-time ministry in Vienna. Brad served on our staff team for a few years as a Minister to the Families. The Hunter family's church plant, New City Wein, is flourishing in downtown Vienna. Pray for them to manage this growth wisely and prepare effective leaders for ministry as elders.
Park Road Pres: Spanish Pastor
Jorge Trujillo
Jorge serves as the Minister to our Hispanic Ministry. Jorge and his wife, Elizabeth, have 4 children, and have been with Park Road for 12 years. Jorge was born and raised in Puerto Rico until age 15 when he moved to Miami to learn English and return, but stayed, attended college and got married to his wife. Before serving at Park Road Presbyterian, Jorge served as a Youth Leader, Preacher, and Bible Teacher in the Pentecostal Church in both Puerto Rico and Miami.
South American Mission: Peru
Craig and Heather Gahagen
Craig and Heather are missionaries in Pucallpa, Peru, in partnership with SAM and Mission to the World. Craig is the director of SAMAIR in Peru where he gets the opportunity to fly to remote places giving wings to God's Word. Craig and his wife, Heather, are leaders in their local church, Mil Palmeras.
Alive Again Ministries: Japan
Fred and Sheila Reid
Fred is a longtime friend of Park Road Presbyterian Church. He and his wife, Sheila, serve overseas in Japan with Alive Again Ministries specifically working with college-aged students. Japan is considered an unreached country for Christianity, with only .25% of the population believing the Gospel. Fred and Sheila have spent 20 years in Japan laboring for the gospel of Jesus Christ.