Sunday Morning Live Stream Worship 11:15 AM
Let Your Light Shine
John Stevenson

Reflecting on this creative wonder, several things came to mind. First of all, I am told that these tiny organisms derive their light from the sun. They collect the light during the day and then give it off during the night. If the previous several days have been cloudy, then they will have little or no light to give off. We are
much the same way. We derive our light from the Son and from being in His presence. Shut us off from His presence, and soon we will have little or no light to share with others.

…for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. (1 Thessalonians 5:5-6).
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16).
Another thought that comes to mind is that it is often in our adversity that we shine the brightest. The organisms in the water don’t light up until you disturb them. When you first get to the lagoon, it is completely dark. Pitch black. But when you dip in a paddle or swirl the water with your hand, then you see it light up. We are often the same way. Allow us to remain undisturbed and our light begins to fade, but churn us up and we shine brightly. May the Lord continue to churn your spirit to shine for Him.

John and his wife, Paula, have been a part of the Park Road Pres family since 1988. John serves as a teaching Elder at our Church and often leads Adult Sunday School Classes Sunday mornings at 10:15am. He currently is a Professor of Bible and History at South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary and is the department Chair for the Biblical and Theological Studies Division.
John has a B.A. from the Florida Bible College, an M.Div. from Knox Theological Seminary, and a D.Min. from Reformed Theological Seminary. He has taught at many other schools such as Trinity International University, Broward College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Moldova Bible Seminary.
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