Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School classes meet most Sundays at Park Road Pres between our two services at 10:15 AM. We often offer two classes simultaneously during this time, with topics rotating every few months. Whether you’re new to Christianity or seeking to deepen your spiritual and theological understanding, we have classes for everyone.

Explore our current adult Sunday School offerings below.


  • February & March Class

  • Big Ideas For All Ages | Fellowship Hall

    For the next two months we will all be meeting together in the Fellowship Hall. This family-friendly class continues to explore foundational Christian teachings for adults, parents, and children alike. We’ve already covered some key topics like 'Why Doctrine?', 'What IS the Bible?', 'The Person of Jesus Christ', 'One God in Three Persons (Holy Trinity)', and 'The End of All Things (Eschatology)'. Our aim is to keep each session conversational, interactive, and engaging for all ages. While you don’t have to be a parent to attend, we strongly encourage all parents to join us in order to be better equipped to guide your children in their walk with God. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend!

  • Children's Sunday School

    Nursery care is available for children 3 and younger. We encourage your children to join you for our Sunday School class, ‘Big Ideas For All Ages’.

Adult Sunday School classes meet most Sundays at Park Road Pres between our two services at 10:15 AM. We often offer two classes simultaneously during this time, with topics rotating every few months. Whether you’re new to Christianity or seeking to deepen your spiritual and theological understanding, we have classes for everyone.

Explore our current adult Sunday School offerings below.

  • February & March Class

  • Big Ideas For All Ages | Fellowship Hall

    For the next two months we will all be meeting together in the Fellowship Hall. This family-friendly class continues to explore foundational Christian teachings for adults, parents, and children alike. We’ve already covered some key topics like 'Why Doctrine?', 'What IS the Bible?', 'The Person of Jesus Christ', 'One God in Three Persons (Holy Trinity)', and 'The End of All Things (Eschatology)'. Our aim is to keep each session conversational, interactive, and engaging for all ages. While you don’t have to be a parent to attend, we strongly encourage all parents to join us in order to be better equipped to guide your children in their walk with God. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend!

  • Children's Sunday School

    Nursery care is available for children 3 and younger. We encourage your children to join you for our Sunday School class, ‘Big Ideas For All Ages’.

Sundays at 10:15am | Park Road Presbyterian Church


Sundays at 10:15am | Park Road Presbyterian Church

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Sundays at 10:15am

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