Who We Are

We are a church family that pursues majestic, God-centered worship; proclaims a Bible-based, grace-oriented message; and engages in simple, Spirit-led ministry, outreach and mission.

We are a reformed, evangelical, Christian congregation whose denominational affiliation is with the Presbyterian Church in America. The PCA is a young, fast-growing denomination, committed to the Word of God and the theology of the Protestant Reformation. "Presbyterian" refers to the representative form of church government we practice.  Spiritually qualified men, called elders (presbyters) are elected by the congregation to rule and direct the church under Christ, its Head.

The Simple Plan

Our mission is to be: Satisfied in God • Loving One Another • Doing Good in the World


This is what we at Park Road Pres. call, “The Simple Plan.” Our way of looking at the Christian life is that we receive God’s grace through faith in Christ.  We continue to put our confidence in “the doing and dying of Jesus.”  Resting in Him, we are increasingly satisfied in what God has done for us in Jesus Christ.

As we are satisfied in God, we begin, by grace, to change.  God first declares us “right” because of Jesus, and then God begins to change us into what He has declared us to be.  As we continue to repent and believe, we begin to look like and love like the sons of God that we are.  God situates us in His family, the Church, where we are surrounded by God’s other adopted children.  We begin to love this new family and engage in real friendships with one another.

Out of this new identity, (adopted children of God), we are inwardly and corporately compelled to serve and help the world.  The signs of new life and signs of God’s peace are demonstrated by practical acts of justice, mercy and righteousness in our families, neighborhoods, workplaces and the world.

We invite you to join us!  Find your place as one important part of this body.  Together, let’s be satisfied in God, loving one another and doing good in the world.
In Christ,

Pastor T.J. Campo

P.S. - For a more in-depth explanation, read my article
The Core Values of Park Road Presbyterian Church.”

Our Purpose

To provide opportunities for every man, woman, and child at Park Road to know Christ personally and grow toward maturity in Him through worship, prayer, study, fellowship and evangelism.

Our Message

Read Pastor TJ’s article, “What’s the Big Idea?”
Another helpful article from one of our denomination’s pastors, Tim Keller, “How Can I Know God?”

Our Beliefs

We are committed to the theology of the Protestant Reformation. Click below to read more about our beliefs.

Learn More About What We Believe